Father’s Day – I love being a dad!

Father’s Day is very special to me, as I truly love being a dad. There is nothing more important to me than my wife and kids, as my parents raised me to believe that family is everything. Family is sacred.
Rise Up by Andra Day – Brought Tears To My Eyes Today

The song Rise Up by Andra Day brought tears to my eyes today when driving home from picking up bagels for my wife and kids. That may seem like a strange thing for me to share or too personal, however over the past five years it has happened many times with various different songs & experiences.
Be Happy – This Decision Will Change Your Future & Make Every Day Better

Being diagnosed with cancer at first can be scary, depressing and even debilitating. Deciding to be Happy, Will Make Everyday Better. Please note that I said Better, not perfect. I know this first hand, as I was diagnosed with HPV tonsil cancer in May 2014. When I was first diagnosed, I scoured the internet searching for information about HPV Tonsil cancer (aka oropharyngeal cancer, throat cancer, oral cancer) and almost immediately I became even more worried. Back then, almost everything I read was depressing. All conversations and articles focused on the challenges with treatment and the disease. There was virtually nothing focused on how to beat HPV related tonsil cancer while Living A Happy Life & Enjoying Each Day, and how life would be Awesome Afterwards. I wanted hope, and virtually nothing I read provided it to me. That was my primary reason for launching www.SupermanHPV.com in 2017.
Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli – Voices of Angels

Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli – Voices of Angels – Their song Time To Say Goodbye brings Tears of Joy to My Heart as it reminds me of the time I finished Battling Stage IV HPV Throat Cancer, and transitioned to Sharing My Story to Help Others in Need.
My Golden Buzzer – Working to Save Lives Worldwide

I hope this blog encourages you to shoot for the stars, to accomplish your dreams. My hope is that you believe anything is possible, and that you can overcome any challenges that come your way. As a stage IV HPV throat cancer survivor, staying positive is key to serving as a role model for other survivors, caregivers and those currently battling cancer. Being positive was critical as I was battling cancer back in 2014.
Music Kept Me Strong – Allowing Me to Beat Cancer

As a stage IV HPV throat cancer survivor, listening to music really helped me when I was struggling through chemo and radiation treatments back in 2014. When I think about how different life could have been for my wife, kids, family and friends had I not beaten cancer, music inspires me to be strong and remain positive so that I can share my story to protect others from HPV related cancers.
Silver Syringe Awards – Immunize Nevada – April 2018

I just spent two amazing days in Las Vegas where I was the Key Note speaker for Immunize Nevada’s Silver Syringe Awards.
Amazon Alexa Skills – Surviving Throat Cancer

I’m on Amazon’s Alexa – just search for “Surviving Throat Cancer” and listen for free.
Home Rider Invasion 2018 is May 4 – 6 in New York – Come Join the Party

Peloton’s 2018 Home Rider Invasion (HRI) is May 4 – 6 at the studio in Chelsea, New York. If you are not familiar with Peloton, please visit www.OnePeloton.com. I am not an employee of Peloton, although I am a Peloton enthusiast, promoting it to all of my family and friends since buying the home spinning bike back in December 2015. Last year’s HRI was awesome, and I’m confident that this year will blow last year out of the water.
Dr. David Diamond – My radiation oncologist & friend

Dr. David Diamond is my radiation oncologist and my friend. He is smart, very well respected and has tremendous bedside manner. Back in May 2014 when I was initially diagnosed with HPV-related tonsil cancer, also knows as squamous cell carcinoma and oropharyngeal cancer, he was one of my first phone calls after calling my family. It was an emotional call for me, as I was reaching out to a doctor I knew from social events to share that I was likely becoming his patient. My life would now be in his hands.