Dr. Henry Ho – My Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Superhero!

Dr. Henry Ho is my ENT & and as far as I’m concerned a Superhero. He diagnosed my cancer back in May 2014, did my surgery, and saved my life.

April 17, 2014 was the day that I felt the small bump on the lower right side of my neck and called Dr. Henry Ho. Nowadays, I see Dr Ho every 4-6 months, and always feel comforted after he examines my neck, throat and mouth, and he says those awesome words, “you’re doing great.”

I decided to write this blog to share how I interacted with Dr. Ho and his team throughout the 6-8 months of craziness, when I first learned about my cancer diagnosis, and throughout treatment, hoping that my insight will help others.

Dr. Ho is a very well respected ENT who has offices throughout Central Florida. He was named Florida Otolaryngologist of the Year back in 2010, and has been has repeatedly named one of “The Best 70 Doctors in Central Florida” since 2000.  Dr. Ho has been in practice since the late 1970’s, and our family has been patients since then. You can learn more about Dr Ho by visiting https://www.entorlando.com/staff/henr

April 17, 2014 - My wife, Ronni and my father went with me to learn about my diagnosis. Certainly a day I will never forget.

April 17, 2014 – My wife, Ronni and my father went with me to learn about my diagnosis. Certainly a day I will never forget.

Dr. Ho wrote down my cancer diagnosis - Stage IV tonsil cancer. Later I learned that it was HPV-related, the official diagnosis was Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the left tonsil.

Dr. Ho wrote down my cancer diagnosis – Stage IV tonsil cancer. Later I learned that it was HPV-related, the official diagnosis was Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the left tonsil.

Dr. Ho always made me feel confident that I was in good hands. He and his team always answered my questions and made me feel comfortable. In general, I ask a lot of questions, and they never made me feel like a burden.

I would certainly recommended that all patients or family members write down or type out their questions PRIOR to their appointments. I typed them into the Notes section of my iPhone before each appointment. I figured this out early, as I left one of my first appointments, and when I reached my car, thought of another question. 

“I would never again show up to an appointment without having thought of my questions beforehand.”

I called Dr. Ho’s office many times while laying in bed resting after radiation and chemo treatments, always to have my questions answered either immediately or with a return phone call.

Dr. Ho and his team understand the sensitive and difficult nature of someone going through cancer, and their ability to understand and be compassionate I truly appreciated.

My recommendation for those diagnosed with HPV-related oral cancer is to find a ENT who is also a surgeon, who has experience with HPV-related oral cancer, while also having excellent bedside manner. Dr. Ho is someone I relied on heavily and still do, so seeing someone you know, like and trust is important.

Here are a few pictures of my neck, after my radical tonsillectomy and neck dissection, where I had 42 lymph nodes removed. He did an awesome job. As well, I currently use Silagen, a scar cream and sun block which I have used for over three years.

May 2014

May 2014




October 2017

There are two main takeaways from the blog:

1. Find an ENT with vast experience dealing with HPV-related oral cancer who has excellent bedside manner. Dr. Ho was and is awesome, and he is all that I could want in a physician.

2. Always think of your questions ahead of your appointments, and have them written down.

I hope this was helpful.

Thanks for reading.
