From Cycling to Spinning

How I became addicted to my Peloton spinning bike –

How’d I get addicted to cycling then spinning, and why has it changed my life? It all started back in September 2015, when I was lying in bed dealing with the side effects from 7 weeks of chemo and radiation. I received an email from a friend of mine, Gonzalo Garcia, who had completed the Ride to Conquer Cancer, a two-day cycling cancer fundraiser which was held in the Washington DC area, cycling 140 miles over two days. He had written my name on his cycling shirt, as well as mentioned my name in their company highlights video, as someone he was riding for. Click on this link to watch the video: 

After recovering from the harsh side effects from treatment, Gonzalo asked me to consider riding with his team next year, which is where my love of cycling began. I had never been on a road bike, so I borrowed a bike from my good friend, Tony Moreno, then began to train with Dottie Kuntz, a woman who worked at a local bike store, who became my cycling coach and friend. We trained five days a week for months, and she was committed to my goal. I ended up speaking at the opening ceremony for the event, raised $25k on Facebook in 12 weeks and then completed the ride. My story went national, which allowed me share information and increase awareness about HPV related oral cancer. 

So how did I get addicted to my Peloton bike? It all started when visiting Tony to learn more about cycling. Coincidentally, he also had a Peloton bike, and was passionate about it. It looked awesome, and sounded like a ton of fun. I bought my Peloton spinning bike in November 2015, and have been riding ever since. On a side note, I gave up riding outside after two years, as two people I knew got hit by cars:

“There was no way I was going to survive stage IV cancer, and then die in a cycling accident.”

I love Peloton for many reasons. It is tremendous fun, an awesome work out, and there is a sense of community. I ride 4-5 times a week, and I enjoy both their live and on demand classes. I ride most often with Christine D’Ercole, Robin Arzon, Jen Sherman and Cody Rigsby. I really love all of the instructors, as they are unique, talented and tremendous athletes.

I recently attended Peloton’s Home Rider Invasion back in May, where home riders from all over the county visited the mothership, Peloton’s main studio located in Chelsea, NY. There was an awesome cocktail hour the first evening, followed by in studio spinning classes and workshops throughout the weekend. I even took a motivating Wordshop offered by Christine D’Ercole. Her Wordshops always keep me focused on what’s important in life, which is key as a cancer survivor.

My Peloton spinning bike has enabled me to get into great shape, while serving as a positive role model for cancer survivors and people diagnosed and/or going through treatment. The Peloton community, many of which I met during the HRI event, has also been terrific. I have been able to share my cancer story to positively impact families, always mentioning the HPV vaccine as well as oral cancer screenings. It is surprising to me how many people are not familiar with the HPV vaccine, and more importantly, that it is just as important for boys between the ages of 9-26, not just girls. I also share the following stats: 3 out of 4 adults by age thirty have HPV, 62% of freshman in college. I also recommend that parents/grandparents or young adults speak with their kid’s pediatricians and/or family practice doctors to learn more about the HPV vaccine and HPV related oral cancer.

Lastly, if you want to learn more about Peloton please contact me. I have referred many people to my contact there, and have loved my experience.

I believe it’s important for cancer survivors to embrace their new normal and get back to a place where they feel strong again, and in control of their lives.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

I’m here if you need me.
